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Jesus Peace Collective is made up of a diverse and ecumenical group of Jesus followers that don't necessarily agree on all matters, but share a common conviction about the nonviolent and active peacemaking teachings of Jesus and the early church.

Jon Sherwood
3 min read
An Introduction to Christian Nonviolence
A lot has changed in 2000 years. What started out as a strong emphasis on nonviolence and peacemaking for the earliest followers of Jesus

Jarad Stacey
8 min read
An Alternative to the Bonhoeffer Option
Christians today can learn from WWII-era theologian K.H. Miskotte about resisting without resorting to political violence.

John Dear
5 min read
Pursuing Nonviolence
“To me, nonviolence is the all-important virtue to be nourished and studied and cultivated,” Dorothy Day wrote in 1967. She regretted...

Tim Makie
3 min read
Jesus Said 2,000 Words That Changed Human History
“You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’ But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you...

Tim Makie
9 min read
What Jesus Meant By “Turn the Other Cheek” in Matthew 5:39
After years of hiding bruises, a woman confides in a friend about her husband’s violent outbursts. Her friend advises her to submit to...

John Huleatt
2 min read
The Bruderhof and the State
A lawyer reflects on how his Christian community interacts with government. Christian Pacifism Is Not Liberal Pacifism Such a Christian...

Issa Ebombolo
3 min read
Zambia Peace Clubs
The following is an example of active peace building practices in communities in Zambia. Zambia has always taken great pride in being a...

Dr. Preston Sprinkle
4 min read
The Only Way to Stop a Bad Guy With a Gun, Is a Good Guy With a Gun?
In Doug Wilson’s recent Q talk, he referenced this famed saying, and, no joke, integrated it as part of his defense. “The only way to...

Elias Crim
1 min read
Do Christians Have a Responsibility to Protect?
Michael Budde says many Christians would like a Christ who allows them to kill. A friend of Budde’s once described him as “the most...

Dr. Preston Sprinkle
4 min read
The Bible on Self-Defense: a Response to Doug Wilson
Last Friday, pastor Doug Wilson and I gave talks on guns and violence at the Q conference in Denver. Might sound like a real shocker—two...

Dr. Greg Boyd
1 min read
Is Pacifism the Product of Naive Privilege?
Dr. Greg Boyd responds to a question coming from an American missionary in Ukraine as the Russian invasion begins. He wonders if his...

Dr. Preston Sprinkle
5 min read
What About Romans 13?
It’s fascinating (one might say disturbing) to see how each person’s political context shapes his or her understanding of Romans 13....

Dr. Preston Sprinkle
4 min read
Jesus Said "Go Buy a Sword"?
Whenever I talk about Christians and violence, guns and self-defense, it’s inevitable that Luke 22 will come up. Supposedly, this passage...

Dr. John Boyles
6 min read
The Message of the Cross is Foolishness to AI
Each fall it is my great pleasure to walk through the four Gospels with anywhere from two to four sections of first semester students at...

Dr. Preston Sprinkle
6 min read
The Killer at the Door
I want to point out up front that the stuff Doug and I keep discussing—violence in self defense—lives at the fringes of the main topic....

Dr. Myles Werntz
7 min read
Ordinary Violence
Peacemaking is a crucial part of the Christian life — but it isn’t just about war. The origin story of my pacifism will be familiar to...

Dr. Greg Boyd
2 min read
Jesus Said, “Buy a sword.” What did he mean?
In a previous post, I challenged the common assumption that Jesus was violent when he drove out the animals and turned over tables in the...

Dr. Greg Boyd
3 min read
Was Jesus Violent in the Temple?
We need to realize that the temple system of selling sacrificial animals to worshipers had become extremely corrupted in Jesus’ day....

Dr. Preston Sprinkle
3 min read
Nonviolence: More Powerful Than Violence
As mentioned in my previous post, I’ve been combing through some recent books on violence and nonviolence. One of the most fascinating...

Dr. Greg Boyd
5 min read
Who Killed Ananias and Sapphira?
In his critique of Crucifixion of the Warrior God (CWG), Paul Copan makes a concerted effort to argue that the God revealed in Jesus...

Dr. Greg Boyd
5 min read
Why Didn’t Jesus Denounce Military Service?
A common objection to the claim that Jesus and the authors of the New Testament were opposed to all forms of violence is that neither...

Dr. Greg Boyd
3 min read
Is it Hypocritical as a Pacifist to Call the Police?
Question: I am a President of a State University. As a frequent podcaster of your sermons and reader of your books, I’m seeking your...

A. C. Oommen
2 min read
What Gandhi Taught Me About Jesus
As India erupted in Hindu–Muslim strife, a young Christian responded to Gandhi’s plea: “Where are the Christians who live according to...

Dr. Greg Boyd
6 min read
Was the Early Church Pacifistic? A Response to Paul Copan
In Crucifixion of the Warrior God (CWG) I argue that Jesus and Paul instruct Christians to love and bless their enemies and to...
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