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Jesus Peace Collective is made up of a diverse and ecumenical group of Jesus followers that don't necessarily agree on all matters, but share a common conviction about the nonviolent and active peacemaking teachings of Jesus and the early church.

Jarad Stacey
8 min read
An Alternative to the Bonhoeffer Option
Christians today can learn from WWII-era theologian K.H. Miskotte about resisting without resorting to political violence.

John Huleatt
2 min read
The Bruderhof and the State
A lawyer reflects on how his Christian community interacts with government. Christian Pacifism Is Not Liberal Pacifism Such a Christian...

Dr. Preston Sprinkle
4 min read
The Only Way to Stop a Bad Guy With a Gun, Is a Good Guy With a Gun?
In Doug Wilson’s recent Q talk, he referenced this famed saying, and, no joke, integrated it as part of his defense. “The only way to...

Dr. Preston Sprinkle
4 min read
The Bible on Self-Defense: a Response to Doug Wilson
Last Friday, pastor Doug Wilson and I gave talks on guns and violence at the Q conference in Denver. Might sound like a real shocker—two...

Dr. Preston Sprinkle
5 min read
What About Romans 13?
It’s fascinating (one might say disturbing) to see how each person’s political context shapes his or her understanding of Romans 13....

Dr. Preston Sprinkle
4 min read
Jesus Said "Go Buy a Sword"?
Whenever I talk about Christians and violence, guns and self-defense, it’s inevitable that Luke 22 will come up. Supposedly, this passage...

Dr. Preston Sprinkle
6 min read
The Killer at the Door
I want to point out up front that the stuff Doug and I keep discussing—violence in self defense—lives at the fringes of the main topic....

Dr. Greg Boyd
2 min read
Jesus Said, “Buy a sword.” What did he mean?
In a previous post, I challenged the common assumption that Jesus was violent when he drove out the animals and turned over tables in the...

Dr. Greg Boyd
3 min read
Is it Hypocritical as a Pacifist to Call the Police?
Question: I am a President of a State University. As a frequent podcaster of your sermons and reader of your books, I’m seeking your...

Daniella Hatfield
5 min read
Love Your Enemies, Unless…?
A home school mom's journey into peacemaking and Christian non-violence. “Of course I would grab a knife from the kitchen and stab the...

Dr. Preston Sprinkle
6 min read
America and Its Guns
I just finished James Atwood’s book America and Its Guns: A Theological Exposé and I’m sitting here stunned. The statistics, the stories,...

Dr. Douglas Jacoby
1 min read
Christians in Law Enforcement?
My question is regarding what Jesus taught regarding disciples in law enforcement. I am an ER nurse, and I have always strongly supported...

Jimmy Humphrey
9 min read
Why I Don’t Own A Gun, And Would Never Kill Someone
In America I’ve not found too many Christians who believe in the non-violent ways of Jesus. If anything our ethic on the issue has been...

Dr. Douglas Jacoby
4 min read
Should I Work for a Company Producing Weapons?
Question: I am considering a job offer from a company whose parent company is involved in the weapons industry. This obviously raised...
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